Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day Two

First, I have to thank all my friends and family for the outpouring of support I've received already. So many encouraging stories and it really helps to hear that things turned out OK in so many similar instances. I want everyone to know that I appreciated reading those yesterday and will probably reread them several times throughout this experience just to feel encouraged.

I know there are going to be a lot of life lessons that I learn through this, the first being that when people offer to help, I must accept. Usually, I politely thank you for the offer but feel content carrying on myself. As I write this, I realize how selfish that sounds, however, my intention is not to be selfish when I decline the help of others. I justify the behavior because I never want to put someone out because of my inability to do something. I would hate to know that I've caused someone stress as a result of helping me out. I am always more concerned about everyone else, than I am for myself. By itself that is not a bad trait to have, however, when pushed to extreme it can be very harmful. So while my default response is to politely thank each of you for offering to help, this time know that if you offer, I'll probably ask you to do something!

The second thing I've learned (or should I say am reminded of) is how wonderful my husband is. Despite his own exhaustion last night he still surprised me by bringing the Christmas tree into our bedroom along with our nativity set and few other Christmas decorations. He is so thoughtful! He's dove head first into Mr. Mom role. Sorting laundry, folding laundry, putting laundry away...but I have to say without the help of modern technology it would be a little difficult. Both he and I have iPhones so within WiFi range we can use FaceTime so he can show me Jack's clothes and I can tell him where they go :) It made me laugh because he and Jack were playing in the loft last night and he put his phone in a position so I could watch the two of them play!

All in all, yesterday was a pretty calm day. For those of you praying, I'd ask that you not only pray for me and the baby, but also include Ryan and Jack in your prayers. For Ryan, just pray that he has strength to carry on all the additional weight around the house and for Jack just an understanding beyond his age of why Mommy can't "c'mon" when he waves his arm and starts to leave the bedroom.


  1. this has to be a very tough time for you because you are such an active mom & wife. i hope and pray that everything turns out how you want it to. You have an amazing husband and Jack and little baby are so lucky and blessed to have you two as parents.
    If you need anything let me know. Please.
    Look forward to hearing your progress.

  2. Hey Theresa! I'm in town so if you need help with anything. I can come by. My girls can even entertain Jack for you and Ryan especially when he needs a break. Let me know!
