Good morning everyone! Today I have an appointment at the Fetal & Women's Center to get a more detailed ultrasound of the baby and my placenta. I am excited and nervous to hear the news. Naively, I keep hoping they tell me that everything is back to normal and I don't have to be on such strict bed rest after all, but realistically I know that is probably not going to be the case. I must admit that I am excited by the thought of getting to be outside, even if it's only for a split second. For the first time since Friday I put make-up on and actually did my hair. Usually that's an annoying task in the morning, but today it felt like such a luxury. I asked Ryan if it would be ok to "find" errands that his mom (she's the one taking me to the appointment) would need to run while I'm with them in order prolong my absence from our bed :)
Special thanks to Mike and Melissa for the use of their TV. We got rid of cable at our house a couple months ago and just get over-the-air HD. That said, we never got a converter box for our extra TV during the big "change" so our extra TV was of no help. But, M&M saved the day and now I have TV upstairs. We get a lot of Spanish TV over-the-air, so I'm looking forward to improving my Spanish! Also, a friend from church stopped by last night for some math tutoring. It was really fun to talk about something other than "how I'm feeling" and get to talk math. It was a blessing she stopped by because Bruce needed to go outside but I was the only one home. Thanks Emily and the Castillo Family for the dinner as well :)
Yesterday Ryan called me from church so I could hear the sermon and Pastor Lee gave a small reminder of Romans 8:28, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." As I heard those words, I couldn't help but feel tears welling in my eyes. I know that God loves this baby far more than Ryan and I could ever love this baby, and yet He has trusted us with the baby's care. Moreover, it's immensely difficult to comprehend just how much God will reveal about himself through this situation. The outpouring of love and support through friends and family, that's a glimpse at God's character. The strength of Ryan as a father and leader of our family, that is a glimpse of God's character. I know that the glory of God will be revealed through this, whatever the outcome. I just pray that I have the strength to endure whatever challenges lay ahead. Eventually, all things will be worked together for good.
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